Gallery of recent prints including collagraphs, digital, lithography, mokuhanga, mokulito, monotype and photopolymer gravure.
Click on any image for larger size (press right/left arrows to cycle through images).
Two-plate print: photo collagraph & carborundum collagraph. Edition: 2 (1/10ve) 12” H x 12” W
lithograph, mokuhanga, digital; paper mounted on panel, framed | Edition: 10 (1/10ve) 8” H x 8” W
photo lithograph, mokulito, relief; paper mounted on panel, framed | Edition: 10 (1/10ve) 12” H x 12” W
Address Unknown (1/3)
two-plate collagraph on gray Stonehenge paper | Edition: 3 ve (1/3) 12” H x 5” W
Uisce Beatha I
(Water of Life) lithograph; paper mounted on panel | Edition: 10 (1/10ve) | 12” H x 4” W (SOLD)
Uisce Beatha II
(Water of Life) lithograph; paper mounted on panel | Edition: 10 (1/10ve) | 12” H x 4” W (SOLD)